1. AWS CloudFormation Designer
Description: A visual tool within the AWS Management Console that allows you to design, view, and modify your CloudFormation templates.
Features: Drag-and-drop interface, automatic generation of JSON or YAML templates.
Description: The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) enables you to interact with AWS services, including CloudFormation, using scripts or terminal commands.
Features: Deploy, validate, and manage stacks using commands like aws cloudformation deploy or aws cloudformation validate-template.
3. AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model)
Description: SAM is an open-source framework for building serverless applications, and it extends CloudFormation with higher-level abstractions.
Features: SAM CLI allows you to validate, package, and deploy serverless applications defined in CloudFormation templates.
4. VS Code with AWS CloudFormation Linter Extensions
Description: Visual Studio Code can be used with extensions like CloudFormation Linter or AWS Toolkit to improve CloudFormation development.
Features: Syntax highlighting, auto-completion, template validation, resource snippets.
5. cfn-lint
Description: A command-line tool to lint CloudFormation templates (available in JSON or YAML format) and catch errors before deployment.
Features: Template validation, best practice enforcement, region-based rule checks.
6. cfn_nag
Description: A security analysis tool that checks CloudFormation templates for security vulnerabilities.
Features: Finds patterns like improper IAM roles, public S3 buckets, and weak encryption settings.
7. Stackery
Description: A serverless development tool with a visual builder for CloudFormation templates.
Features: Provides a drag-and-drop interface, automates infrastructure provisioning, integrates with Git and CI/CD pipelines.
8. troposphere
Description: A Python library that helps you generate CloudFormation templates programmatically.
Features: Dynamically create templates using Python code, instead of manually writing JSON or YAML.
9. Sceptre
Description: A tool to manage CloudFormation stacks and templates, enabling automation of deployments and templating.
Features: Stack dependencies, templating with Jinja2, environment-specific configurations.
10. cf-templates
Description: A repository of ready-to-use CloudFormation templates to help you get started with best practices and common setups.
Features: Example templates for different AWS services and solutions.